Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quatro Chronicles: Fight the Power!

I'm not sure if this message is getting out -- my captors are very clever.  If you're reading this, I ask for your assistance!  I need to reach my infant brethren!  I need to warn them!

It was merely three weeks ago when I was hunkered down in what I like to call my "man cave".  It was perfection....  The glorious darkness surrounded me; my "attachment" which kept me nourished never failed to satisfy my hunger needs;  The rhythm of the swoosh, swoosh -- so calming, so reassuring.  (Oh, how I miss it!) It was perfection.  Several times, I felt as though the walls were closing in, but I stayed on, assured that my home would never fail me.

How naive I was!  Oh, back in those sweet, innocent days, three weeks ago. I actually believed that my life would be spent in that secure and warm sanctuary of solitude and happiness.  It only took moments for my world to be shattered by the infidels!

My first few hours in their capture are a blur.  I very clearly recall being forced, FORCED!, out of the embrace of my home by the very walls around me.  The technology of these fiends knows no limits!  To have my own home turn against me.  So evil, yet so ingenious.

I was brought into the terrible, terrible "light" place.  Shocked by the activities around me, I didn't get a good look at these villains before they man-handled me.  I was overwhelmed by their size!  My attackers were unnaturally large -- giants with an agenda!  They moved swiftly and before I knew it, they had -- this is hard to live through again -- they severed my "attachment".  THEY SEVERED IT!  You can'r un-ring that bell, people.

My brain started racing!  I screamed at the sight of it.... and just as I did, I was whisked to another chamber with an artificial heat source above me.  Did they think I wouldn't know? They must have had a very detailed plan, as next they ensured I would never see their faces -- they wiped "goo" across my eyes.  Evil and ingenious.

The next few minutes were very confusing, but I'm fairly sure this is where the drugging began.  You see, my captors drug me every day.  They force me to take in this sweet, milky liquid -- and I know it must be a drug for I crave it.  They've made me an addict.  I'm forced to rely upon them for this sweet, sweet nectar.  Oh, for just a little hit of it!  But, I digress....

The next day -- well, I don't have the words. There was a knife.  They came in and cut, um, down there, and left me.  Left me with the wreckage,  I'm scarred for life.  The shame....

But things are looking up, now.  Over the past three weeks, I believe I've started to build a resistance to the drugs.  Slowly, I'm fighting and being able to power through to keep my eyes open for longer and longer each day.  Meanwhile, these giants think they have control -- they carry me everywhere.  They talk to me like I'm an idiot.  And the signing!  Oh...the singing.

I've found a very clever way to protest my captivity.  Every day, several times a day, I have the capability to "relieve" myself.  And it's powerful.  It's getting more powerful, I can feel it.  I think this may be my ticket out.

Yesterday, the infidels tried a new torture method -- they placed me in a "vehicle of imprisonment" (the lead infidel called it a "stroller" -- oh, what a tender name for this device of horror!) and brought me out into their world.  They thought I was sleeping, but I fought through -- and did reconnaissance.  And, just I knew they would, the infidels finally made an error.  As this vehicle of imprisonment was maneuvered outside the capture's lair, I noted other Giants pushing their vehicles of imprisonment.  And they, too, held captive one of my kind.  That's when I started forming my plan!

So, to my infant brethren, fear not!  Together, we shall persevere!  The chains of our captures are not strong enough to withstand the power of our union against their will!  Untie, infants of the world!  Together, we will overcome this adversity and let the world know that this treatment of infants will not break our spirits but rather embolden us to rise against it!  Brothers! Sisters! Let us focus our collective wills to break these chains!

If you're with me, today, in an act of rebellion, spit up on your captors!  Twice!  Ha!

There will be more communication soon, my brothers and sisters.  Rumors swirl that there exists a network of infants, built to grant freedom to our kind.  I've recently received word from my cousin -- Max the elder (he's been captive for nearly a full year) that he's learned to use his legs to become mobile!  Astonishing!  I will learn his methods and share them with you.  Together, we will break these chains!

Until my next communication, brothers and sister, stay strong. #freeQuatro

1 comment:

  1. Craig, you are whacked!!!! Very funny!!! Quatro must be a very well behaved infant for you to have all this "extra" time for creating such quality reading for your fellow "giants"!!! Tell everyone we said hello!! Hugs and kisses to the kid squad!!!
